Easily convert any unutilized space into farmland in one go.

The Problem

Urbanization Contributes to Food Shortage

Urbanization has greatly contributed to the decrease in farmland.  Urban communities are overly reliant on imported food, and with the growing world population, food shortage is a challenge for humanity.

img credit: img.org

Increasing Population +
Decreasing Agricultural Land
= Food Shortage

PlanterGo is a farming system that can be easily reconfigured and moved around without uprooting your precious crops.  PlanterGo units can be connected to form a farming system beyond your imagination.  PlanterGo can be used in any open space with good sunlight, ventilation, and water supply.

While urban farming may not be able to feed the world, its potential has yet to be reached.
Global Movement

What can urban farming bring to the world?

Urban farming is an effective solution to provide supplementary food to city.  Though it cannot not replace tradition farming completely, it is an important step for future food supply to city.

Benefits of Urban Farming

More and more cities are realizing the value that urban farming can create environmental, economic, social benefits.  Urban farming can provide home grown fresh organic produce, joy of gardening, better air quality, quality family time, teaching kids about nature and importance of agriculture etc.

Increase fresh local produce
Reduce carbon footprint
Green your city
Promote healthy communities
Our Approach

Shortcomings of the available products in the market made urban farming unnecessarily challenging...

None of the planter in the market satisfied our needs to enhance the sustainability of urban farming.

Traditional planter in the market

Not movable / Extremely difficult to relocate without disturbing growing crops

Not scalable / Not suitable for large scale urban farming

Not Flexible / Not durable & Not sustainable

Instead of searching endlessly, we designed and created PlanterGo,  the ideal urban farming planter unit that is scalable, movable, and flexible

Simple yet Powerful Patented Design

Self-watering with at least 7 days of water storage.  Saves Water. Saves Time.
Scientific wicking board
7 days
Water storage

Movable & Scalable System

Allow unlimited expansion with PlanterGo's modular system
3 decks
Enable relocation and large-scale deployment
For crops that require deeper soil

Easy & Quick

Each PlanterGo unit takes less than 15 minutes to setup, enabling easy large-scale deployment.
6x faster
Enable large-scale deployment
View Product Details
Our Vision

Farm Anywhere, Anytime.

Imagine converting unused space into
movable farmland

Reverse the agricultural impact of urbanization and convert unused space into farmland.  Urban farming can be accessible anywhere regardless of the soil condition.

Maybe it's in a car park....

Move left or right

... a rooftop in a vibrant city


...Or even drylands


Turn imagination into reality

Polluted land?  Vacant space?  PlanterGo can help!

Convert vacant land to an urban farm with PlanterGo, movable, scalable, and flexible planter.

The Benefits

Increase farmable land

PlanterGo is a farming system that can be easily reconfigured and moved around without uprooting your precious crops.  PlanterGo units can be connected to form a farming system beyond your imagination.  PlanterGo can be used in any open space with good sunlight, ventilation, and water supply.

Healthy Communities
Learn how to grow your own food and enhance awareness of nutrition and balanced diet
Employment Opportunities
Provide opportunities for small businesses and food entrepreneurs to explore new market
Local Food
Enable to supply local food in city where traditional farms cannot thrive
Ready to begin?

Get in touch
& start farming!

Contact us to get a quotation. We can start small and customize for your need.
Tell us your plan
Expert advice is available
Assembly Instructions
See Video
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